「独習アセンブラ」を読んでアセンブラを学んでいて、apple silicon(arm)のmacのローカル環境でコード書いてデバッグしています。
4.5「デバッガによるトレース」 で、gdbを使ってcのソースコードをコンパイルした実行ファイルをもとにトレースを行いますが、arm版macでは書籍の内容の通りにトレースができませんでした。
- OS: macOS Monterey 12.5
- Chip: Apple M1(Arm)
- lldb: lldb-1316.0.9.46 Apple Swift version 5.6.1 (swiftlang- clang-1316.0.20.12)
- gcc,clang: Apple clang version 13.1.6 (clang-1316. Target: arm64-apple-darwin21.6.0 Thread model: posix
which lldb /usr/bin/lldb lldb --version lldb-1316.0.9.46 Apple Swift version 5.6.1 (swiftlang- clang-1316.0.20.12) # lldbも実行できることを確認 lldb (lldb)
/** * 4.5.1 Cからアセンブリ言語への変換確認用 */ int main(void) { register int i, j; i = 123; i = i + 1; j = 456; j = i + j; return j; }
を生成できますが、lldbでのブレークポイントのセットの時にno locations (pending)
# コンパイルしてaddに実行ファイルを出力 gcc -fno-pic -fomit-frame-pointer -o add add.c; # lldbによるデバッグ実行 # ここでは試しにadd.cの12行目にブレークポイントを貼ります。 (lldb) breakpoint set --file add.c --line 12 Breakpoint 1: no locations (pending). WARNING: Unable to resolve breakpoint to any actual locations.
gccでは -gを指定して、デバッグ可能な状態でコンパイルする必要があり、上記のgccコマンドに-gを追加することで問題なくブレークポイントをセットできました。
gcc --help ... -g Generate source-level debug information
# -gを追加してデバッグを有効にしたうえでコンパイル gcc -g -fno-pic -fomit-frame-pointer -o add add.c; # lldbを実行し、ブレークポイントを12, 13, 14行目に貼る。 lldb add (lldb) target create "add" Current executable set to '/Users/hoge/Documents/code/assembly-language-training/src/tr-regs/add' (arm64). (lldb) breakpoint set --file add.c --line 12 Breakpoint 1: where = add`main + 40 at add.c:12:9, address = 0x0000000100003f30 (lldb) breakpoint set --file add.c --line 13 Breakpoint 2: where = add`main + 56 at add.c:13:23, address = 0x0000000100003f40 (lldb) breakpoint set --file add.c --line 14 Breakpoint 3: where = add`main + 84 at add.c:14:12, address = 0x0000000100003f5c (lldb) r Process 26586 launched: '/Users/hoge/Documents/code/assembly-language-training/src/tr-regs/add' (arm64) Process 26586 stopped * thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1 frame #0: 0x0000000100003f30 add`main at add.c:12:9 9 i = 123; 10 i = i + 1; 11 j = 456; -> 12 j = i + j; 13 printf("j: %d\n", j); 14 return j; 15 } Target 0: (add) stopped.
clang -g -O0 add.c -o add -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer
gccの方では -fomit-frame-pointer
The problem ended up being that, on x86-64 Linux at least, Clang requires both -fno-omit-frame-pointer and -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer in order to get the same behavior that gcc gives with only -fno-omit-frame-pointer. See this LLVM bug: "Need both -fno-omit-frame-pointer and -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer to get a fp on linux on a leaf function"
これで一通り下記のことができるようになりました。 - lldbによるデバッグができる状態でコンパイルする - lldbで実行ファイルに対してブレークポイントを貼る
- 実行ファイルから逆アセンブルし、アセンブリコードレベルでのデバッグ
- レジスターの内容の確認
# lldbを実行し、ブレークポイントを12, 13, 14行目に貼る。 lldb add (lldb) target create "add" Current executable set to '/Users/hoge/Documents/code/assembly-language-training/src/tr-regs/add' (arm64). (lldb) breakpoint set --file add.c --line 12 Breakpoint 1: where = add`main + 40 at add.c:12:9, address = 0x0000000100003f30 (lldb) breakpoint set --file add.c --line 13 Breakpoint 2: where = add`main + 56 at add.c:13:23, address = 0x0000000100003f40 (lldb) breakpoint set --file add.c --line 14 Breakpoint 3: where = add`main + 84 at add.c:14:12, address = 0x0000000100003f5c (lldb) r Process 26586 launched: '/Users/hoge/Documents/code/assembly-language-training/src/tr-regs/add' (arm64) Process 26586 stopped * thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1 frame #0: 0x0000000100003f30 add`main at add.c:12:9 9 i = 123; 10 i = i + 1; 11 j = 456; -> 12 j = i + j; 13 printf("j: %d\n", j); 14 return j; 15 } Target 0: (add) stopped.
下記のように、breakpoint set を使って、ソースコードのファイルと行数を指定してブレークポイントを貼ることができます。
breakpoint set --file add.c --line 12
使い方は、help b
breakpoint -- Commands for operating on breakpoints (see 'help b' for shorthand.)
(lldb) help b Set a breakpoint using one of several shorthand formats. Expects 'raw' input (see 'help raw-input'.) Syntax: _regexp-break <filename>:<linenum>:<colnum> main.c:12:21 // Break at line 12 and column 21 of main.c
(lldb) b add.c:12 Breakpoint 7: where = add`main + 40 at add.c:12:9, address = 0x0000000100003f30 (lldb) b add.c:13 Breakpoint 8: where = add`main + 56 at add.c:13:23, address = 0x0000000100003f40 (lldb) b add.c:14 Breakpoint 9: where = add`main + 84 at add.c:14:12, address = 0x0000000100003f5c
r -- Launch the executable in the debugger.
# ブレークポイント ... (lldb) b add.c:14 Breakpoint 11: where = add`main + 84 at add.c:14:12, address = 0x0000000100003f5c # デバッグ実行 (lldb) r There is a running process, kill it and restart?: [Y/n] y Process 27285 exited with status = 9 (0x00000009) Process 27388 launched: '/Users/hoge/Documents/code/assembly-language-training/src/tr-regs/add' (arm64) Process 27388 stopped * thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1 4.1 7.1 frame #0: 0x0000000100003f30 add`main at add.c:12:9 9 i = 123; 10 i = i + 1; 11 j = 456; -> 12 j = i + j; 13 printf("j: %d\n", j); 14 return j; 15 } Target 0: (add) stopped. (lldb)
12, 13 ,14行目に貼っているので、最初のブレークポイントで止まっている状態です。
この状態で、register read
ここでは先ほどと重複しますが、 12行目でのレジスタの状態を確認しています。
11行目で j = 456
(lldb) r There is a running process, kill it and restart?: [Y/n] y Process 27285 exited with status = 9 (0x00000009) Process 27388 launched: '/Users/hoge/Documents/code/assembly-language-training/src/tr-regs/add' (arm64) Process 27388 stopped * thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1 4.1 7.1 frame #0: 0x0000000100003f30 add`main at add.c:12:9 9 i = 123; 10 i = i + 1; 11 j = 456; -> 12 j = i + j; 13 printf("j: %d\n", j); 14 return j; 15 } Target 0: (add) stopped. (lldb) register read General Purpose Registers: x0 = 0x0000000000000001 x1 = 0x000000016fdff538 x2 = 0x000000016fdff548 x3 = 0x000000016fdff6b0 x4 = 0x0000000000000000 x5 = 0x0000000000000000 x6 = 0x0000000000000000 x7 = 0x0000000000000000 x8 = 0x00000000000001c8 # <- ここで456の値がセットされている。 x9 = 0x0000000000000002 x10 = 0x0000000000000000 x11 = 0x0000000000000002 x12 = 0x0000000000000002 x13 = 0x0000000000000000 x14 = 0x0000000000000008 x15 = 0x0000000000000000 x16 = 0x0000000300033088 x17 = 0x6ae100016fdfe7d0 x18 = 0x0000000000000000 x19 = 0x00000001000c0060 x20 = 0x0000000100003f08 add`main at add.c:7 x21 = 0x000000010006c070 dyld`dyld4::sConfigBuffer x22 = 0x0000000000000000 x23 = 0x0000000000000000 x24 = 0x0000000000000000 x25 = 0x0000000000000000 x26 = 0x0000000000000000 x27 = 0x0000000000000000 x28 = 0x0000000000000000 fp = 0x000000016fdff510 lr = 0x000000010001108c dyld`start + 520 sp = 0x000000016fdff3a0 pc = 0x0000000100003f30 add`main + 40 at add.c:12:9 cpsr = 0x60001000
di -- Disassemble specified instructions in the current target. Defaults to the current function for the current thread and stack frame.
(lldb) di add`main: 0x100003f08 <+0>: sub sp, sp, #0x30 0x100003f0c <+4>: stp x29, x30, [sp, #0x20] 0x100003f10 <+8>: str wzr, [sp, #0x1c] 0x100003f14 <+12>: mov w8, #0x7b 0x100003f18 <+16>: str w8, [sp, #0x18] 0x100003f1c <+20>: ldr w8, [sp, #0x18] 0x100003f20 <+24>: add w8, w8, #0x1 0x100003f24 <+28>: str w8, [sp, #0x18] 0x100003f28 <+32>: mov w8, #0x1c8 0x100003f2c <+36>: str w8, [sp, #0x14] -> 0x100003f30 <+40>: ldr w8, [sp, #0x18] 0x100003f34 <+44>: ldr w9, [sp, #0x14] 0x100003f38 <+48>: add w8, w8, w9 0x100003f3c <+52>: str w8, [sp, #0x14] 0x100003f40 <+56>: ldr w9, [sp, #0x14] 0x100003f44 <+60>: mov x8, x9 0x100003f48 <+64>: adrp x0, 0 0x100003f4c <+68>: add x0, x0, #0xf78 ; "j: %d\n" 0x100003f50 <+72>: mov x9, sp 0x100003f54 <+76>: str x8, [x9] 0x100003f58 <+80>: bl 0x100003f6c ; symbol stub for: printf 0x100003f5c <+84>: ldr w0, [sp, #0x14] 0x100003f60 <+88>: ldp x29, x30, [sp, #0x20] 0x100003f64 <+92>: add sp, sp, #0x30 0x100003f68 <+96>: ret (lldb)
lldb上では 左側に->
cでは、 j = i + j
-> 12 j = i + j;
ここでは、ldrというオペコードで、w8, w9にそれぞれi と jの値を読み込み、add w8, w8, w9
で、w8とw9の値を足した結果をw8レジスタに格納することで j = i + j
-> 0x100003f30 <+40>: ldr w8, [sp, #0x18] 0x100003f34 <+44>: ldr w9, [sp, #0x14] 0x100003f38 <+48>: add w8, w8, w9
メモとして、オペコードは下記のページで確認できます。 - ARM LDR - ARM ADD
ここで、ブレークポイントで止まった箇所で下記2つを確認できました。 - ブレークポイントでのレジスタの状態 - 実行ファイルを逆アセンブルし、アセンブリコードレベルでどの処理を実行しているかの確認
, n
: ソースコードレベルで次のブレークポイントまで進める(Cのソースコードの行数ごとに進める)
2. nexti
, ni
: 実際のアセンブリコードレベルで次のブレークポイントまで進める
n -- Source level single step, stepping over calls. Defaults to current thread unless specified. next -- Source level single step, stepping over calls. Defaults to current thread unless specified. nexti -- Instruction level single step, stepping over calls. Defaults to current thread unless specified. ni -- Instruction level single step, stepping over calls. Defaults to current thread unless specified.
例: 前項でj = i + j
という行は、アセンブリコードレベルではldr, ldr, add
ここではアセンブリコードレベルで、どのように処理を進むかを確認したいため、12行目のj = i + j
(lldb) nexti Process 27388 stopped * thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = instruction step over frame #0: 0x0000000100003f34 add`main at add.c:12:13 9 i = 123; 10 i = i + 1; 11 j = 456; -> 12 j = i + j; 13 printf("j: %d\n", j); 14 return j; 15 } Target 0: (add) stopped. (lldb) di add`main: 0x100003f08 <+0>: sub sp, sp, #0x30 0x100003f0c <+4>: stp x29, x30, [sp, #0x20] 0x100003f10 <+8>: str wzr, [sp, #0x1c] 0x100003f14 <+12>: mov w8, #0x7b 0x100003f18 <+16>: str w8, [sp, #0x18] 0x100003f1c <+20>: ldr w8, [sp, #0x18] 0x100003f20 <+24>: add w8, w8, #0x1 0x100003f24 <+28>: str w8, [sp, #0x18] 0x100003f28 <+32>: mov w8, #0x1c8 0x100003f2c <+36>: str w8, [sp, #0x14] 0x100003f30 <+40>: ldr w8, [sp, #0x18] -> 0x100003f34 <+44>: ldr w9, [sp, #0x14] 0x100003f38 <+48>: add w8, w8, w9 0x100003f3c <+52>: str w8, [sp, #0x14] 0x100003f40 <+56>: ldr w9, [sp, #0x14] 0x100003f44 <+60>: mov x8, x9 0x100003f48 <+64>: adrp x0, 0 0x100003f4c <+68>: add x0, x0, #0xf78 ; "j: %d\n" 0x100003f50 <+72>: mov x9, sp 0x100003f54 <+76>: str x8, [x9] 0x100003f58 <+80>: bl 0x100003f6c ; symbol stub for: printf 0x100003f5c <+84>: ldr w0, [sp, #0x14] 0x100003f60 <+88>: ldp x29, x30, [sp, #0x20] 0x100003f64 <+92>: add sp, sp, #0x30 0x100003f68 <+96>: ret (lldb) register read General Purpose Registers: x0 = 0x0000000000000001 x1 = 0x000000016fdff538 x2 = 0x000000016fdff548 x3 = 0x000000016fdff6b0 x4 = 0x0000000000000000 x5 = 0x0000000000000000 x6 = 0x0000000000000000 x7 = 0x0000000000000000 x8 = 0x000000000000007c x9 = 0x0000000000000002 x10 = 0x0000000000000000 x11 = 0x0000000000000002 x12 = 0x0000000000000002 x13 = 0x0000000000000000 x14 = 0x0000000000000008 x15 = 0x0000000000000000 x16 = 0x0000000300033088 x17 = 0x6ae100016fdfe7d0 x18 = 0x0000000000000000 x19 = 0x00000001000c0060 x20 = 0x0000000100003f08 add`main at add.c:7 x21 = 0x000000010006c070 dyld`dyld4::sConfigBuffer x22 = 0x0000000000000000 x23 = 0x0000000000000000 x24 = 0x0000000000000000 x25 = 0x0000000000000000 x26 = 0x0000000000000000 x27 = 0x0000000000000000 x28 = 0x0000000000000000 fp = 0x000000016fdff510 lr = 0x000000010001108c dyld`start + 520 sp = 0x000000016fdff3a0 pc = 0x0000000100003f34 add`main + 44 at add.c:12:13 cpsr = 0x60001000 (lldb) nexti Process 27388 stopped * thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = instruction step over frame #0: 0x0000000100003f38 add`main at add.c:12:11 9 i = 123; 10 i = i + 1; 11 j = 456; -> 12 j = i + j; 13 printf("j: %d\n", j); 14 return j; 15 } Target 0: (add) stopped. (lldb) di add`main: 0x100003f08 <+0>: sub sp, sp, #0x30 0x100003f0c <+4>: stp x29, x30, [sp, #0x20] 0x100003f10 <+8>: str wzr, [sp, #0x1c] 0x100003f14 <+12>: mov w8, #0x7b 0x100003f18 <+16>: str w8, [sp, #0x18] 0x100003f1c <+20>: ldr w8, [sp, #0x18] 0x100003f20 <+24>: add w8, w8, #0x1 0x100003f24 <+28>: str w8, [sp, #0x18] 0x100003f28 <+32>: mov w8, #0x1c8 0x100003f2c <+36>: str w8, [sp, #0x14] 0x100003f30 <+40>: ldr w8, [sp, #0x18] 0x100003f34 <+44>: ldr w9, [sp, #0x14] -> 0x100003f38 <+48>: add w8, w8, w9 0x100003f3c <+52>: str w8, [sp, #0x14] 0x100003f40 <+56>: ldr w9, [sp, #0x14] 0x100003f44 <+60>: mov x8, x9 0x100003f48 <+64>: adrp x0, 0 0x100003f4c <+68>: add x0, x0, #0xf78 ; "j: %d\n" 0x100003f50 <+72>: mov x9, sp 0x100003f54 <+76>: str x8, [x9] 0x100003f58 <+80>: bl 0x100003f6c ; symbol stub for: printf 0x100003f5c <+84>: ldr w0, [sp, #0x14] 0x100003f60 <+88>: ldp x29, x30, [sp, #0x20] 0x100003f64 <+92>: add sp, sp, #0x30 0x100003f68 <+96>: ret (lldb) register read General Purpose Registers: x0 = 0x0000000000000001 x1 = 0x000000016fdff538 x2 = 0x000000016fdff548 x3 = 0x000000016fdff6b0 x4 = 0x0000000000000000 x5 = 0x0000000000000000 x6 = 0x0000000000000000 x7 = 0x0000000000000000 x8 = 0x000000000000007c x9 = 0x00000000000001c8 x10 = 0x0000000000000000 x11 = 0x0000000000000002 x12 = 0x0000000000000002 x13 = 0x0000000000000000 x14 = 0x0000000000000008 x15 = 0x0000000000000000 x16 = 0x0000000300033088 x17 = 0x6ae100016fdfe7d0 x18 = 0x0000000000000000 x19 = 0x00000001000c0060 x20 = 0x0000000100003f08 add`main at add.c:7 x21 = 0x000000010006c070 dyld`dyld4::sConfigBuffer x22 = 0x0000000000000000 x23 = 0x0000000000000000 x24 = 0x0000000000000000 x25 = 0x0000000000000000 x26 = 0x0000000000000000 x27 = 0x0000000000000000 x28 = 0x0000000000000000 fp = 0x000000016fdff510 lr = 0x000000010001108c dyld`start + 520 sp = 0x000000016fdff3a0 pc = 0x0000000100003f38 add`main + 48 at add.c:12:11 cpsr = 0x60001000 (lldb) nexti Process 27388 stopped * thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = instruction step over frame #0: 0x0000000100003f3c add`main at add.c:12:7 9 i = 123; 10 i = i + 1; 11 j = 456; -> 12 j = i + j; 13 printf("j: %d\n", j); 14 return j; 15 } Target 0: (add) stopped. (lldb) register read General Purpose Registers: x0 = 0x0000000000000001 x1 = 0x000000016fdff538 x2 = 0x000000016fdff548 x3 = 0x000000016fdff6b0 x4 = 0x0000000000000000 x5 = 0x0000000000000000 x6 = 0x0000000000000000 x7 = 0x0000000000000000 x8 = 0x0000000000000244 x9 = 0x00000000000001c8 x10 = 0x0000000000000000 x11 = 0x0000000000000002 x12 = 0x0000000000000002 x13 = 0x0000000000000000 x14 = 0x0000000000000008 x15 = 0x0000000000000000 x16 = 0x0000000300033088 x17 = 0x6ae100016fdfe7d0 x18 = 0x0000000000000000 x19 = 0x00000001000c0060 x20 = 0x0000000100003f08 add`main at add.c:7 x21 = 0x000000010006c070 dyld`dyld4::sConfigBuffer x22 = 0x0000000000000000 x23 = 0x0000000000000000 x24 = 0x0000000000000000 x25 = 0x0000000000000000 x26 = 0x0000000000000000 x27 = 0x0000000000000000 x28 = 0x0000000000000000 fp = 0x000000016fdff510 lr = 0x000000010001108c dyld`start + 520 sp = 0x000000016fdff3a0 pc = 0x0000000100003f3c add`main + 52 at add.c:12:7 cpsr = 0x60001000 (lldb) nexti Process 27388 stopped * thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = breakpoint 2.1 5.1 8.1 frame #0: 0x0000000100003f40 add`main at add.c:13:23 10 i = i + 1; 11 j = 456; 12 j = i + j; -> 13 printf("j: %d\n", j); 14 return j; 15 } Target 0: (add) stopped. (lldb) di add`main: 0x100003f08 <+0>: sub sp, sp, #0x30 0x100003f0c <+4>: stp x29, x30, [sp, #0x20] 0x100003f10 <+8>: str wzr, [sp, #0x1c] 0x100003f14 <+12>: mov w8, #0x7b 0x100003f18 <+16>: str w8, [sp, #0x18] 0x100003f1c <+20>: ldr w8, [sp, #0x18] 0x100003f20 <+24>: add w8, w8, #0x1 0x100003f24 <+28>: str w8, [sp, #0x18] 0x100003f28 <+32>: mov w8, #0x1c8 0x100003f2c <+36>: str w8, [sp, #0x14] 0x100003f30 <+40>: ldr w8, [sp, #0x18] 0x100003f34 <+44>: ldr w9, [sp, #0x14] 0x100003f38 <+48>: add w8, w8, w9 0x100003f3c <+52>: str w8, [sp, #0x14] -> 0x100003f40 <+56>: ldr w9, [sp, #0x14] 0x100003f44 <+60>: mov x8, x9 0x100003f48 <+64>: adrp x0, 0 0x100003f4c <+68>: add x0, x0, #0xf78 ; "j: %d\n" 0x100003f50 <+72>: mov x9, sp 0x100003f54 <+76>: str x8, [x9] 0x100003f58 <+80>: bl 0x100003f6c ; symbol stub for: printf 0x100003f5c <+84>: ldr w0, [sp, #0x14] 0x100003f60 <+88>: ldp x29, x30, [sp, #0x20] 0x100003f64 <+92>: add sp, sp, #0x30 0x100003f68 <+96>: ret (lldb) di add`main: 0x100003f08 <+0>: sub sp, sp, #0x30 0x100003f0c <+4>: stp x29, x30, [sp, #0x20] 0x100003f10 <+8>: str wzr, [sp, #0x1c] 0x100003f14 <+12>: mov w8, #0x7b 0x100003f18 <+16>: str w8, [sp, #0x18] 0x100003f1c <+20>: ldr w8, [sp, #0x18] 0x100003f20 <+24>: add w8, w8, #0x1 0x100003f24 <+28>: str w8, [sp, #0x18] 0x100003f28 <+32>: mov w8, #0x1c8 0x100003f2c <+36>: str w8, [sp, #0x14] 0x100003f30 <+40>: ldr w8, [sp, #0x18] 0x100003f34 <+44>: ldr w9, [sp, #0x14] 0x100003f38 <+48>: add w8, w8, w9 0x100003f3c <+52>: str w8, [sp, #0x14] -> 0x100003f40 <+56>: ldr w9, [sp, #0x14] 0x100003f44 <+60>: mov x8, x9 0x100003f48 <+64>: adrp x0, 0 0x100003f4c <+68>: add x0, x0, #0xf78 ; "j: %d\n" 0x100003f50 <+72>: mov x9, sp 0x100003f54 <+76>: str x8, [x9] 0x100003f58 <+80>: bl 0x100003f6c ; symbol stub for: printf 0x100003f5c <+84>: ldr w0, [sp, #0x14] 0x100003f60 <+88>: ldp x29, x30, [sp, #0x20] 0x100003f64 <+92>: add sp, sp, #0x30 0x100003f68 <+96>: ret (lldb) register read General Purpose Registers: x0 = 0x0000000000000001 x1 = 0x000000016fdff538 x2 = 0x000000016fdff548 x3 = 0x000000016fdff6b0 x4 = 0x0000000000000000 x5 = 0x0000000000000000 x6 = 0x0000000000000000 x7 = 0x0000000000000000 x8 = 0x0000000000000244 x9 = 0x00000000000001c8 x10 = 0x0000000000000000 x11 = 0x0000000000000002 x12 = 0x0000000000000002 x13 = 0x0000000000000000 x14 = 0x0000000000000008 x15 = 0x0000000000000000 x16 = 0x0000000300033088 x17 = 0x6ae100016fdfe7d0 x18 = 0x0000000000000000 x19 = 0x00000001000c0060 x20 = 0x0000000100003f08 add`main at add.c:7 x21 = 0x000000010006c070 dyld`dyld4::sConfigBuffer x22 = 0x0000000000000000 x23 = 0x0000000000000000 x24 = 0x0000000000000000 x25 = 0x0000000000000000 x26 = 0x0000000000000000 x27 = 0x0000000000000000 x28 = 0x0000000000000000 fp = 0x000000016fdff510 lr = 0x000000010001108c dyld`start + 520 sp = 0x000000016fdff3a0 pc = 0x0000000100003f40 add`main + 56 at add.c:13:23 cpsr = 0x60001000
ここで、途中のところでレジスタのところを抜粋すると、 x8
に 0x1c8(10進数で456
... x8 = 0x000000000000007c x9 = 0x00000000000001c8 ...
そして、j = i + j
x8 = 0x0000000000000244 x9 = 0x00000000000001c8